Bible 98 Version 98.5.0en/es/nl/de/ar/pt for Windows(r) 9x/NT ------------------------------------------------------------- (c) 1995-2000 All rights reserved. - An all-new electronic Bible designed for Windows(r) 98 (also runs under Win95/NT4) - King James Old and New Testaments with Catholic/Orthodox Deuterocanon. The Spanish version is based on the Reina Valeira Bible. The Dutch version is based on the Statenvertaling Bible. The German version is based on the 1912 Luther Bible. The Arabic version is based on the 1865 Smith & Van Dyke Bible (OT & NT). There is also a Portuguese version (OT & NT with Bible 98 interface) and a French version (with Bible 97 interface) based on the Louis Segond Bible. What's New: ----------- - The addition of the Catholic/Orthodox Deuterocanonical books (English version only) - Compiled to native code for faster execution - A re-designed interface with Windows 98 look-and-feel and easy single-click Web browser-like navigation - A tree-like classified listing of the books of the Bible -- click to explore - An animation is displayed while search is in progress - Search results can now be copied to Windows Clipboard - Drag-and-drop copying of text and maps from Bible 98 to other programs supporting OLE - Maps can be magnified (Zoom in) - Selectable font size and font face for both verse and chapter display windows - All child windows (e.g., Verse Reading window) now match user's expectations when resized - Easy maintenance via Service Packs (available at -- Service Pack 2 for Bible 98 (KJV) is currently available) - Windows 98-style toolbars with ToolTips, a new tabbed Study Aids window, online Help and tips, and much more... PLUS all the features and study aids of Bible 97 (enhanced)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT! ---------- Don't forget to download and apply Service Pack 2 for Bible 98 (KJV) after installing King James Bible 98. Spanish Bible 98 (RVA), Dutch Bible 98 (SVV), German Bible 98 (LUT), Arabic Bible 98 (SVD - OT & NT) and Portuguese Bible 98 (PT - OT & NT) do NOT require this Service Pack, i.e., this Service Pack 2 is ONLY for the English Bible 98 (KJV). Service Packs are cumulative, i.e., Service Pack 2 contains all the corrections of Service Pack 1 plus new corrections; by using Service Pack 2 you do not need Service Pack 1. Service Pack 2 corrects the behavior of single-click (Web-style) lists throughout the program when using the following keyboard keys: Arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right), PageUp, PageDown, Home, End, Enter and Spacebar. New menu items were added for map 'Zoom In/Restore' and to 'Copy Search Results to Clipboard'. There are also other minor corrections and enhancements. The reason for Service Pack 1 was to correct a wrong item description in the pro- gram's tree-like listing of the books of the Bible; the item 'Epistles of St. Peter' has been corrected to read: 'Epistles of St. Paul'. This correction is also included in Service Pack 2, so you do not need Service Pack 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Corrections/Updates for Portuguese Bible 98 - v98.5.0pt (SP3) ------------------------------------------------------------- Download these corrections at: (104KB) Atos 1:1 (Portuguese) --------------------- SHOULD BE: ---------- --- CORRECT ---> Fiz o primeiro tratado, ó Teófilo, acerca de tudo quanto Jesus começou a fazer e ensinar, (Atos 1:1) INSTEAD OF: ----------- --- WRONG ---> E, DEPOIS que cessou o alvoroço, Paulo chamou a si os discípulos e, abraçando-os, saiu para a Macedônia. Atos 27:1 (Portuguese) ---------------------- SHOULD BE: ---------- --- CORRECT ---> E, como se determinou que navegássemos para a Itália, entregaram Paulo e alguns outros presos a um centurião por nome Júlio, da corte augusta. (Atos 27:1) INSTEAD OF: ----------- --- WRONG ---> E, embarcando nós em um navio adramitino, partimos navegando pelos lugares da costa da Ásia, estando conosco Aristarco, macedônio, de Tessalônica. IMPORTANT! ---------- The electronic text of Portuguese Bible 98 is still in draft stage. Please send bugs and remarks to: Check for updates at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------